National American coptic Assembly-USA
washigton DC
Mr. Morris SadekESQ President
Mr , Nabil Besada Vice president
البيان الاول للدوله القبطيه
Egypt was conquered and is Occupied by the Muslims ... Outspoken Coptic figure Morris Sadek speaks about how no atrocities were committed during the period of J65A0vZE...
النشيد الوطنى للدوله القبطيه J65A0vZE...
النشيد الوطنى للدوله القبطيه
داليا مجاهدسكرتيرة الرئيس اوباما فى أثناء حوارها مع مندوبي الأهرام
وهل تصريحات "موريس صادق" رئيس الجمعية الوطنية القبطية الأمريكية الذي يدعولفرض الوصاية الدولية علي مصر لها تأثير؟- ليس له أي تأثير نهائيا. ولكن هناك ناس في اللوبي القبطي بأمريكا يقولون كلاما قريبا مما يينادي به
السيناتور الأمريكيّ، من الحزب الجمهوريّ من ولاية تكساس، والمرشح الجمهوري لسباق الرئاسة عام 2016، تيد كروز،
اتهم المسلمون بالتعصب الديني الذي يشن، حملة إبادة شرسة لتدمير الأقليات الدينية في الشرق الأوسط. "ليس للمسيحيين في الشرق حليف وداعم أساسي سوى دولة اسرائيل
لقاء مع مرشحة الحزب الجمهورى لعضو ية مجلس الشيوخ اﻻمريكى
السناتور سوزان شولتى وحديث عن اضطهاد السيسى للاقباط
الكنيسه الانجلوسكاسونيه الامريكيه تعلن زيادة اضطهاد الاقباط المسيحيين فى مصر فى عصر الرئيس عبدالفتاح السيسى وتطالب كل الكنائس الامريكيه بالصلاه من اجل الاقباط
وزعت اكبر الكنائس الامريكيه بالولايات المتحده الامريكيه هذا البوستر المقدس لطفله امريكيه مسيحيه تحمل الصليب المقدس ويقول اضطهاد المسيحيين فى مصر يتزايد وطالبت الكنيسه جميع الكنائس الامريكيه والمسيحيين فى امريكا والعالم الصلاه من اجل الاقباط المصريين المضطهدين فى عصر الرئيس عبدالفتاح السيسى شكرا للمبشر الامريكى العالمى سيرج ايفانجيلوس
"من يكره "إسرائيل" يكره أميركا...ومن يكره اليهود يكره المسيحيين..وإذا لم تقفوا الى جانب "إسرائيل" واليهود، لن أقف إلى جانبكم ".
السناتور سوزان شولتى وحديث عن اضطهاد السيسى للاقباط
ندعو كل الكنائس الامريكيه الى دق اجراس الكنائس وقت القاء الرئيس المصرى عبدالفتاح السيسى كلمته بالامم المتحده يوم الخميس 25 سبتمبر 2014ونطالب كل الاقباط بالولايات المتحده الصلاه فى الكنائس وعدم التواجد امام مبنى الامم المتحده
وزعت اكبر الكنائس الامريكيه بالولايات المتحده الامريكيه هذا البوستر المقدس لطفله امريكيه مسيحيه تحمل الصليب المقدس ويقول اضطهاد المسيحيين فى مصر يتزايد وطالبت الكنيسه جميع الكنائس الامريكيه والمسيحيين فى امريكا والعالم الصلاه من اجل الاقباط المصريين المضطهدين فى عصر الرئيس عبدالفتاح السيسى شكرا للمبشر الامريكى العالمى سيرج ايفانجيلوس
Jihadist on Canadian soil
We are deeply saddened by the heinous crimes committed by the extremist fanatic Islamist
Jihadist on Canadian soil
Jihadist on Canadian soil
As Middle Eastern Christians Canadians , we understand all too well the sick rational and the sinister ideology of people behind these attacks.
As Middle Eastern Christians Canadians , we understand all too well the sick rational and the sinister ideology of people behind these attacks.
Many of us have witnessed, experienced and in some instances have been victims of like minded individuals and terrorist organizations
We believe that Canadian values, principles of democracy peace loving welcoming nature of Canada are under assault and we would like to offer our sincere desire to assist anyway we can.
We believe that Canadian values, principles of democracy peace loving welcoming nature of Canada are under assault and we would like to offer our sincere desire to assist anyway we can.
We are sure that unless urgent, effective and uncompromising measures are taken promptly, Canada and Canadian public will remain an easy target for these crazed jihadists with which we are too familiar.
Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to the families, friends of the innocent victims.
We strongly condemn these attacks and pray for Canada to remain our glorious and free nations we selected to come to when we immigrated from our countries.
In the interest of safety of all Canadians, we strongly call on our government to take the necessary measures and issue the needed bills to deal with the clear and present danger of the Islamic terrorist jihadists.
In the interest of safety of all Canadians, we strongly call on our government to take the necessary measures and issue the needed bills to deal with the clear and present danger of the Islamic terrorist jihadists.
We remain steadfastly in solidarity and support of our Canadian government.
Canadian Coptic Activists
Dr. Hany Shenouda
Canadian Coptic Activists
Dr. Hany Shenouda
Hello Hany,
I have some solutions:
Hello Hany,
We all have to wake up.
I have some solutions:
1- Our Church has to resume it leadership role that she lost for the past 1400 years. It is time for our church to emerge as a giant and resume its entrusted role of preaching the Good News to the whole world. It is our responsibility that we should reach out to the muslims to enlighten them with the message of salvation. The church has stopped evangelizing and it is time to fulfill the Lord's commandment by sharing the Gospel with all nations.
2- Our church has experienced first hand what it feels to be oppressed and marginalized once the muslim population becomes a majority. Thus we should not keep watching the decline and demise of other nations that will succumb to Islam one after the other in few decades.
3- We have to coordinate our efforts with the other churches of the host countries that accommodated us. In the USA, Canada, Australia and Europe, we should built bridges with the main churches and share with them some strategy to educate, counteract the diabolic Islamic efforts to convert the naïve "westerners"...
4- . I feel our churches in the diaspora have become social clubs for the Copts without any vision or plan. I hate to say that one day will wake up and find the majority of Hispanics, blacks have converted to Islam. Apart from the regular white "white westerners" who marry into the Islamic religion.
5- We all have a grave responsibility to protect our new countries. I know that this will require enormous efforts and coordination. I urge you to forward this message to all who are on your mailing lists, bishops and other church leaders both clergy and secular.
We have to remember that He that is with us is Greater than our adversaries.
Emad Guirgius
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